Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Long time no see, eh?

Sorry I've been away. It's been a rough spring and a tough summer. My mother passed away July 25th. Haven't had much time to promote, play or update.

Someone is buying my CDs off CD Baby.com--thank you! Please spread the word and keep on buying. I'm always stoked to receive the "CD Baby RESTOCK" request e-mail.

My friend CJ Conner (whose painting adorns the cover of Pareidolia) had a great show at the Volume One gallery in Eau Claire, WI, a few weeks ago. I hope to post some photos soon. Sold a few CDs there too.

Buying a lot of old records lately. I'm no vinyl snob, but I'm getting lost in the coolness of finding erstwhile 33s at thrift stores and garage sales. Music in any form (CD, tape, vinyl) is a gift!